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New Zealand Trade & Enterprise Italy

New Zealand Trade & Enterprise Italy

New Zealand Government’s national economic development agenc

d.ssa Clare Wilson, Console Generale Nuova Zelanda a Milano

Via Terraggio, 17 - 20123 Milano, 02/72170021,


d.ssa Laura Caccia, Business Development Manager 


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), are the two leading government agencies in the trade arena. They have two distinct roles; MFAT opens the door to foreign markets by overcoming or reducing trade access barriers, and NZTE helps New Zealand businesses, by providing export development consultancy services.

NZTE - working with businesses

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is the New Zealand Government’s national economic development agency. Through its network of offices worldwide, NZTE aims to grow New Zealand’s economy by building the capability of businesses and regions and facilitating their sustained and profitable participation in overseas markets.

Investment New Zealand, a specialist unit within New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, works to attract investment into New Zealand which will provide wider benefits to the New Zealand economy.

Next Article numero 2/2011 - ottobre
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