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St John

St John

First to care


Gerry Fitzgerald, Commercial Director -

David Thomas, General Manager South Island Region -


Who we are
St John is a charitable organisation with a volunteer ethos. It operates independently of Government and business, and serves New Zealand communities.
St John serves communities throughout New Zealand by delivering an extensive range of services and products in the health and health-related fields. These services and products include: 
• Emergency and non-emergency ambulance services for approximately 90% of New Zealand's population. 
• Emergency care and first aid at public events 
• Friendship and support over the phone to the lonely and the housebound 
• Transport for people to their health appointments 
• First aid training and health-related products and services to the community. 
St John also runs a youth programme where young New Zealanders from six to 18 years can learn first aid, health care, self-discipline and general life skills in their communities.

Our mission
St John's mission is to prevent and relieve sickness and injury, and to act to enhance the health and well-being of people of all races and creeds anywhere in New Zealand.

How we are structured

On a functional level St John is organised into 12 functional activities with responsibility to the Chief Executive. The functional activity areas prescribe the way in which the services and products provided by St John are delivered throughout New Zealand. 
St John is organised into three regions where each region is responsible for St John activities within its boundaries. The regions work with over 150 Area Committees who support the work of St John at a community level.

AIOP Giovani already worked with St.John in the New Zealand Study Tour 2011, for a donation of an ambulance following the Christchurch Earthquake on 22 February 2011.
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